The last day of March, today is a cloudy day.

I get up on 5:50 in the morning that I take warm-up exercise for jogging.

Today's jog is very bad because my knees are very hurt.

I don't know what's the reason with this thing, maybe the reasons are

wrong gesture or the medicine I eat for hickie's side effect.

So I just run six circles and walk two circles today.

The breakfast I eat is different from everyday.

I go to a vendor of meatless, the vendor-owner is a 阿婆.

I eat two 水煎包 with NT24 dollars, I think the price is very cheap

and there are plenty vegetables in 水煎包.

Then, 阿婆 see my face just say~ 年輕人~ You can eat 黃蓮 to improve your face,

it's very good for your face, and my face(指阿婆) was worse than you before!

Oh! 阿婆 is a nice person, she concern about my face that she meet me in first time!

My heart abound with the feel of warming.

Today, when meeting is over.

I take bus to train station, and take 區間車 to 新烏日, and take 高鐵 leave for Banciao.

高鐵 is a very excellent public transportation that people to save time.

The only disadvantage is~ The price of ticket is extremely expensive!!!!

But I can enjoy 20 percent discount. When I arrive Bianciao and prepare to get the bus go home. 我竟然只剩14元的零錢....不得已 只好去convenient store去買個口香糖來換5元 在台北坐公車全票只需要15元 始終不懂為什麼台中的車票價錢這麼貴?? 回家真好~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ^_^

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